Study Abroad Offers -

DENVER (CBS4)– The University of Denver is making waves nationally, by sending a sizable amount of students overseas to study abroad. University officials say the program has allowed nearly 71 percent of undergraduate students to take their studies abroad.
DU offers 150 programs, meaning students have more than 50 countries to choose from.
More than 800 students recently found out where they had been approved to study abroad in upcoming semesters. DU told CBS4 that studying abroad is a valuable experience that strengthens cultural ties and education.
“It’s everything from changing perspective, being able to develop the skills and empathy to see something from a different perspective,” explained Denise Pope, the Director of Office of International Education at DU. “It’s even something as simple as gaining the confidence to navigate something complex on your own.”
Maddy Gawler is a senior at University of Denver whose goal was to travel as much as she could during her time at school….Readmore

University Of Denver Allows Nearly Undergraduates To Study Abroad