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U.S. Is Losing Its Appeal For International Students

The U.S. may still be the world’s most popular higher education destination but new figures show it is losing its appeal for international students.

Although the number of international students has reached a record high – topping the one million mark for the second consecutive year – the rate of growth has fallen to its lowest level for seven years.

In addition, for the first time the number of new international enrolments has fallen, as fewer students feel the pull of a U.S. college, with early indications that far from being a blip this trend is accelerating.

And with international students contributing an estimated $39bn to the U.S. economy, the slowdown has major financial implications.

The number of international students at U.S. colleges and universities reached 1.08 million in 2016/17, according to the 2017 Open Doors report on International Educational Exchange. Read more…

U.S. Is Losing Its Appeal For International Students