Coming back to Lasell after a semester abroad is challenging. As soon as you adjust to new culture, language, sights, and cuisine, it is time to pack your bags and go home.
Many students struggle with what is called reverse culture shock, which is when someone returns home and has to reacclimate to their once familiar surroundings. The International Services Office now offers an entire web page dedicated to reverse culture shock and provides a multitude of resources for study abroad returnees thanks to Lasell alum Madeline Kenny, who researched and built the page last year.
According to the Director of International Services Sarah Driscoll, about 20-25% of each class at Lasell studies abroad, whether it be through academic programs or Shoulder-to-Shoulder programs. “We realized as students were coming back that there was more that we could do to help students process their experience,” said Driscoll…..Readmore