I’m just trying to you know I’m just trying to do my best so let’s startedwhy did I choose to study Chinese backat a university I could already speakthree languages Hungarian English andGerman and I just wanted to learnanother one a language that has valuenot everyone can speak it something thatis different right because I lovedifferent I don’t like average at all soI had this classmate who was studyingJapanese and he told me he’s going to goto Japan he loves the language he lovesthe culture it’s gonna be funso I was like okay I’m going to do thesame thing I’m going to just learnJapanese when it was time to choose mycourses I was looking for Japanese butinstead I bumped into this course calledbeginner Chinese and without hesitationI decided to learn Chinese so theclasses were at the ConfuciusInstitution in second and I met withthis amazing teacher who I still keepyou know contact with she was my firstteacher her classes were amazinginteresting I just wanted to keeplearning and learning but I knew I needthe environment and I cannot you knowlearn Chinese fully in Hungary so I toldher I want to move to China can you helpme and she told me about scholarshipsand she told me she if I really want togo to China she fully supports me so Iwas like okay coolum back at that time I was working andone day I got a phone call from hersaying you got an interview tomorrowmorning 9:00 you have to come to seg adand you have to participate and then youhave a chance to go only three studentscan get the scholarship I was like so Iwent back to study I was literally theother side of it okay like a second Igot there at 9:00 and I saw we had like12 or 15 students who wanted to get thescholarship minded back in the time Iwas like 19 or 20 only so I was theyoungest I thought that I have no chancebut I told myself really and you have togive your best just you know be charmingand your personality you will you knowmake away so I was the last one who wentinside and I was nervous but I toldmyself you can do this it’s only like 20minutes you’re gonna be amazingoh oh yeah they asked questions inEnglish and in Chinese as well and youknow I could barely speak any Chineselike yeah niihama Vivian sothat was it but you know everyone likedwhat I said and everyone was justsmiling and they were interested in whatI was saying so I had a good feeling umthe next day I got an email saying I wasso happy I told my parents they werelike Congrats here goes to China oh yeahI was I was nervousand happy did I know what I’m whathappened when I’m doing no absolutely noI did not know what I’m doing I did notknow what’s going to wait for me I wasby myself I didn’t know anyone inShanghai I didn’t know what’s going towait for mein Shanghai okay I didn’t know Oh Iended up getting the Chinese governmentscholarshipwe have two major scholarships Chinesegovernment and Confucius institutionsscholarship which one is betterChinese government is way better theypay more they are not as strict asConfucius institution and all I know isjust is just better okayConfucius institution scholarship youneed ages K its Chinese languageproficiency exam if you don’t have ityou cannot even apply for Chinesegovernmentyou don’t need a a just K you just applyand that’s it and the Confuciusinstitution scholarship you have toattend to like activities every singleweek around like Friday no one likesthat so it was time to choose theUniversity where I wanted to study Ididn’t know anything about universitiesso I asked help from a Chinese friendwho was also studying and working insideand he told me about see su ShanghaiInternational Studies University Fudantomji and Jotun these are the topuniversities in Shanghai and I didn’tknow anything about these universitiesso I just you know asked him which onewould fit me and because I came to studyonly language he told me Sicily is thebest so I chose these two if you want tostudy like a major bachelor or masterdegree I recommend you to study a foodAnton G or gel tone or what elsethat’s it no more or I don’t know youjust do your research okay these are thetop universities that’s why I’mmentioning only these about dorms seesue has hotels and not dorms we have twobig major hotels and they are prettypretty okay I got my room at Cecil HotelI’m going to post a picture here this ishow it looked like and I had a roommateshe was amazingyou know I don’t like to live with noone but she was truly great okay she wasstudying and I had no problems with herat all but from the second year I choseto live myself by myself so I paid forthe room it was more comfortable youknow you don’t need to live with someonein one room I like that option betterthe other schools as far as I know theother schools have dorms and not hotelsonly sister has hotels but if I’m wrongjust write it down in the comment Ithink other universities have dorms onlyif you’re interested in studying in soyou have to know we have two campusesone in Hong Kong and one in somejong-hong ku is in the city center andsong Jung is far far far away and theHong Kong campus is really nice it’ssmall but very convenient it’s coolstill supermarkets and malls and twometro stations and really convenientthis is why I like to study here now letme answer some questions that you guysasked me on instagram the first one isabout scholarship I got full scholarshipfrom the Chinese government and I got itthree times and one time I lost itlet’s not talk about that thescholarship covers your hotel yourtuition fee insurance and what else ohyeah you get money every month aroundlike 3000 yuan 3000 yen which is finethe Confucius Institution scholarshipyou get hotel you get insurance you getteaching but you get less money everymonth I think around like 2,000 or 2,500I never got Confucius institutionscholarship so I’m I’m not really surebut that’s way more strict you have togo to classes you cannot be late youhave to attend to your activities as Imentioned the Chinese governmentscholarship is not that strict if youstudy only language if you studybachelor or master degree you have toattend to the classes you can escapeclasses you have to reach you knowcertain points on every exams and theyhave annual review this is where I foundit up and you because the teacher isgoing to review your behavior yourattendance and how you behave during theclasses and you know just everything andthis is how I lost my scholarship so nowI pay by myself my tuition fees aroundten thousand because I am studying onlylanguage and yeah I rent an apartmentwhich is super expensive but this iswhat it is you know my life is stillgreat or do I have many difficultiesI still you know super best I’m superhappy every single day you just have tokeep you know motivating yourself and dowhat you have to do in a work that noone wants to do will bring differentresults results that no one has so thisis why I work every single day I study
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