Study Abroad Offers -

its coral reefs you know spectacularlandscapesand definitely a go-to place for alltouristsbut it’s also one of those top placesfor studying abroad and today i will besharingtop eight reasons why you should beconsideringaustralia as a great study overseasdestination so the first thing i want totalk aboutvery quickly is the quality of educationin australianow you’ll be surprised that australiais one of the most popular study abroaddestinationamong asians and to be more specificover 17 percent of the studentspopulationis indian students so definitelya very warm and welcoming place for alot of indian studentsanother thing i want to talk about isthatamong the top hundred universitiesacross the worldthe top eight are from australiaso they definitely understand quality ofeducationand a lot of government funds are driventowardsthe education system of dre andto add to that i want to tell you guysaboutthe uh style or the educationuh you know style and that is thata lot of what is taught is researchorientedright so what that does is it adds a lotofuh experience and hands-on understandingto studentsand it definitely creates a lot ofcharacter in whatever you studythe next thing i wanted to talk about islifestyleand culture now australia is one ofthosemulticultural countries where literallyevery fourth person is aperson who is you know from a differentnationalityand that is how much they welcome peoplefromacross the world and in terms of thepeoplewho are there and uh you know thecitizens of the country they’re veryrelaxed and friendly people soif you ever walk into a place uh overthere you will be welcomed andyou will be spoken to as if you’realmost their friendright so people of over there areextremely warmand comforting few other interestingthings aboutthe culture is that since people are sofriendlyuh professors are actually uh professorsactually expectstudents to call them by their firstnameso instead of sir or madame or professorxyz you will be calling them billy joeorwhatever their name is and anotherreally interesting thingabout australia is that they taketheir work life balance very seriouslyso if you’re a student starting overthere and then you want to transitiontowardsworking in australia rest assured thatyou will be in a place that respectsyour personal life and respects the factthatyou want to manage both and balance bothpeacefully and in harmony the next thingi want to talk aboutis the places to visit now australiais so rich in terms of landscape andeverything that it has to offer forpeople who are traveling and exploringthat it’s a must for you as a studentto check out at least a few places iwill see if i can add a few pictures onthe screenand uh you guys can look at some of themost spectacularthings that australia has got to offerright from its coral reefs you cango for a scuba diving or you knowsnorkelingand you can travel across the desertsthere’s absolute amazement when you goout there and explore this countrythe next thing i want to talk about isthe stay back policiesof this country now the stay backpolicies are pretty relaxed when youcompare it toother countries around the world andthe best thing about australia is thejob opportunitiesaustralia is one of those countrieswhere it’s still flourishingand developing at a rapid rate rightso even in terms of the multinationalsthat are there there are a lot of topmultinational companiesthat you can apply to and definitelylook at somegreat job profiles right after youfinish your coursein australia now the next thing i wantto talk aboutis scholarship options i know uhthe cost of studying abroad is a dealbreaker for a lot of you guysand that’s why australia is definitelyone of those countries that you have tolook at if you are on a tight budgetright so uh i think in terms of expensesif i had to rankaustralia would be uh you knowpretty economical compared to say usa oreven canadaso definitely consider it from thatperspective as wellanother interesting fact is that uhthe uh the australian government setsasideover 200 million dollarseach year uh and of course it’s agrowing numberso 200 million dollars each year forstudentsspecifically international students whoare coming in andare looking for scholarships now thesescholarshipsare both uh merit-based as well as needbasedso definitely check in with theuniversitiesthat you’re applying to see if there isanything that you are eligible for uhwrite to them email themand check in with the admin departmentand see if you can applyto any of these government funds orscholarships that are available in factexclusively forinternational students another thingthatdefinitely adds up to australia’sprofile is the languagenow 75 to 80 percent of australiais english spoken so if you are astudenttraveling from a different country thenuhit’s a lot easier for youif of course you know english and you’veyou’ve studied in english all your lifebecause you will be transitioning into acountry that is english spokennow unlike countries like germany orrussiawhere you are expected to learn thelanguage over thereright of course learning in a newlanguage all together and something socomplex becauseyou would be picking up something foryour masters or your bachelor’s andlearning in a new language which againyou are learningis going to be super difficult so againa plus point if you’re looking ataustraliabut before i finish this point off letme tell you thataustralian colloquial australianis very different and the local slang isvery different from the regular englishthat’s used from maybe maybe in au.s or maybe in india soi would recommend you guys to watch afew australian seriesmaybe on netflix uh masterchef could bea great way to start offbecause the more you learn the lingo theslang that’s locally used the moreyou’ll understandwhat the people around you are talkingabout rightso definitely keep that in mindand i think the last thing i want totalk about ischoice of subjects now like i alreadytold you guysuh australia has some incredible coursesright from an mba or ms uhthere are some amazing things out therecolleges likethe australian national university havecourse combinations have actually over750 course combinationsand that again shows the uhyou know diversity and robustnessof the courses available at theyou know education system in australiaso i think that’s pretty much it interms of what i wanted to discussbriefly about australia and itseducation systemso if you are looking at studying inthis brilliant countrydefinitely go ahead it’s a great placeto be inboth for education and reaping your youknowroi in terms of work and jobso definitely a country you shouldconsider don’t forget to subscribe tothe channel if you like the contentit really supports us a lot when youguyssubscribe and like what we share wereally get to know whether what we areputting out there forall you amazing students is reaching youor not or even if it is useful or notright so you can even follow uson social media we are ischool connecteverywherewe have a podcast channel which isavailableon google spotify apple pretty mucheverywhere it’s called study abroad tipsdo check it outand for anything else you can alwaysconnect with us



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